🔧 Set your NodeJS version in Netlify
A couple of times I needed to fix the NodeJS version on a Netlify site, I found myself googling it a couple of times, so this little how-to is basically a note-to-self.
♻️ Using PNPM on Netlify
When I first switched my website over to PNPM instead of Yarn, I noticed that my Netlify build were failing. Here's a guide and solution to everyone having the same issue.
✨ Moving on from Netlify to Google Cloud
Hosting your website online is one of the basic and required steps to build an online audience. Choosing the right platform to host it, can be a difficult process. In this blogpost I clearify my choice.
🚀 Deploying a React Native app to netlify
Deploying a mobile application does seem complicated, but Expo makes it very easy!
🚀 Deploying my website to Netlify using Github
I've used github to manage the sourcecode for my website for a long time, github pages came with it. Now I discovered a better way to deploy and host websites.